Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Review- Unclutter Your Life in One Week by Erin Rooney Doland

So I have been following the blog Unclutterer for about six months now, and last month in a fit of desperation, I bought Erin's book.  This book mainly goes from a Monday to Friday, with a morning home task, an at work task, and an evening home task.  It also includes handy home management lists for Fall and Spring Cleaning.  This book is motivational, but really focuses on Getting Things Done and How to Do Them.

Positives:  I feel much more organized now than before I read this book.  I actually completely reorganized my clothing and wardrobe system, took two bags of clothes to the thrift store, and visited the drycleaner- ON THE FIRST DAY!  I am going to hang on to this book and probably re-read it every six months or so.  I am currently badgering my mother to read this book, which brings me to the negatives:

Negatives:  Since I live with my parents and two younger sisters (going to grad school in the DC area is EXPENSIVE), I only really have authority over my things and my main responsibility, which is the laundry.  I also do not have an office, so most of the office advice doesn't apply to me.  This is not the book's fault, but I am not really the target audience.  However, as I mentioned above, this book is so wonderful that I am going to hang on to it and use it in my home, when I hopefully move out next summer!

So... 4 stars.  If you need help organizing, try this book.  DEFINITELY CHECK OUT THE BLOG!  It's excellent. I  have gotten so many good suggestions and a lot of entertainment from reading Unclutterer.com.


  1. Sounds like such a useful book! One that I can see myself re-reading all the time. I need to find this ASAP!

  2. I need to get my hands on this book!! Thank you so much for your review. I am always looking for books on how to stop being such a cluttery mess! lol

  3. This sounds like something I totally need!!! I LOVE this kind of book!!!! p.s. I'm following you back!!!
